Onis Desserts Drinkware

SKU: LB3722

The timeless appeal of a traditionally shaped sundae glass! Sturdy and classic in appearance, these dishes maintain Libbey’s long-time standards of extraordinarily durable products.

Item Code Description Size Outer Qty
LB3722 Splash Smoothie 181mm / 473ml 12 Each
LB5110 Soda / Milkshake 79x191mm / 355ml 24 Each
LB5310 Soda / Milkshake 83x181mm / 340ml 24 Each
LB5314 Tulip Sundae 108x149mm / 1555ml 24 Each
LB5315 Sundae 102x146mm / 185ml 24 Each
LB5115 Tulip Sundae 102x124mm / 192ml 36 Each
LB5101 Tulip Sundae 95x102mm / 133ml 36 Each
LB5118 Sundae 130x114mm / 532ml 24 Each
LB5162 Sherbet 86x80mm / 133ml 72 Each
LB922707 Mini Oval Bowl 114x81mm / 250ml 6 Each
LB5317 Fountainware Banana Split 229x127x48mm 24 Each
LC1625 Fountainware Banana Split 227x108x45mm 12 Each

Features & Benefits


Higher values indicate greater raw material purity and the enhanced ability of the glass to allow light to pass.

Important Information


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